Cloud technology is revolutionizing the way organizations operate, and companies are increasingly adopting cloud technologies to stay ahead of the curve. However, the demand for cloud professionals is outpacing the supply, which makes talent management crucial for organizations that are looking to transform to the cloud. A full-stack approach to cloud talent management can help organizations build diverse teams of professionals with different experience levels, from entry-level to cloud experts.
The Best Cloud Computing Career Opportunities in 2023
Cloud computing has become one of the most important technology trends of recent times and is expected to remain in high demand in the coming years. With more businesses moving their operations to the cloud, there is a growing need for professionals with expertise in cloud platforms and cloud-based services.
Top 7 Tech Skills In-Demand to Boost Your Career in 2023
The Importance of Keeping Your Tech Skills Current It’s impossible these days to find a job that doesn’t use any technology, so employers will want to see technology skills on your resume no matter what industry you work in. A major reason for unemployment is the skills gap. You need to pick up in-demand tech […]
The Most In-Demand Cloud Certifications For Tech Professionals
The demand for cloud technology professionals is likely to hit 2 million by 2025, a report by the National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom), in association with Draup, Tata Consultancy Services and Accenture has found. The cloud has opened plenty of doors for IT pros looking for new employment opportunities. Cloud jobs range […]
Get Data from SQL to Google Sheet
I need to create report to some parties in different organization related to my work, and the simplest way to process the data is in a spreadsheet. Lately I explore the Google Script, and read an article about importing data from mySQL or SQL server to Google sheet. Here is the example of what I […]