Python is one of the best programming languages to get started on, even more so if you have zero programming knowledge. In fact, most programmers would agree that it is one of the easiest coding languages to pick up for newbies due to its simple syntax and readability. With Python, gone are the days of memorizing complex syntax just to hit a line of code or two.

Many of the most popular and well-known websites today are built with Python, and mastering this language has become one of the most in-demand skills for you to advance your career. Before you start diving right into Python training courses, here are 3 things you need to know to save yourself the unnecessary dead-ends, detours, and hair-pulling moments.
#1 Understand What You Wish To Accomplish with Python
We all have motivations for taking up a new hobby – be it picking up a musical instrument, woodworking, or salsa dancing. Keeping the end goal in mind while pursuing your new passion is one of the most effective ways to motivate yourself and make sure you don’t veer too far off course from your original objective. The same goes for learning Python; whether you’re looking to land that dream job at Facebook, building that pet project that’s been put away for too long, or simply just looking for a way to automate the repetitive stuff in your daily workflow, be sure to know exactly what you want out of your Python learning and stay focused.
#2 Know the Difference between Python 2 and Python 3
There are two versions of Python currently in use – Python 2 and Python 3. New websites are almost always built with the latest Python 3 whereas Python 2 is the legacy version that old sites were built on.
The reason why Python 2 is still being used by companies is simply that their websites were built with Python 2 years ago and upgrading to Python 3 would be a complicated process that requires much time and resource allocation. Since Python 2 has been officially sunsetted at the start of 2020, we recommend that you start with Python 3 if you are learning Python for the first time.

Here are some Python Programming Courses we offer at Trainocate Singapore that provide a good foundational overview of Python 3 for beginners:

Python Automation Network Training Course
#3 Know What Jobs You Can Land with Python Programming Skills
If you’ve always wanted that job of a Python Developer, good for you – I guess you got that figured out! But even if you don’t want to spend the rest of your career building and fixing the back-end of applications, here are some career options you can explore with your newfound Python skills:
1) Investment Banker
Did you know major banks like JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, and Goldman Sachs have started training their incoming investment bankers in Python? As these professionals learn to build algorithms for portfolio monitoring, processes are streamlined with revenue projected to soar. Business schools around the world are also implementing modules in Python for MBA students to get a better head start in today’s tech-driven economy.
2) Product Manager
Finding gaps in the current market and implementing new user features are some of the duties that product managers are responsible for. Since they work with a huge amount of data in justifying why a new product should be built or made, many companies are now seeking product managers with some knowledge of Python.
3) Data Analyst
If you’re someone who enjoys working with numbers rather than people, becoming a data analyst might be just right up your alley! With Artificial Intelligence (AI) impacting the future of almost every industry, knowledge in machine learning and data analytics are quickly becoming two of the most sought-after qualities that tech recruiters look out for. Check out two of the most popular machine learning Python courses that will help you conquer the process of data modelling in no time:

Machine Learning using Python Training Course